Systems Laboratory
Director: Dennis Brylow
The lab creates new tools and methods for building and studying complex computer systems. Our emphasis is on embedded, real-time, and network systems, with strong ties to the electrical and computer engineering community, and the computer science education community. Current projects include:
1. Experimental Embedded Networking Platform. Creation of laboratory infrastructure and software for research and education in the area of embedded networking appliances, particularly wireless routers and IP telephony. Collaboration with Cisco Systems Advanced Research Division.
2. Experimental Embedded Operating System Laboratory. Creation of laboratory infrastructure and software for research and education in area of embedded operating systems. Collaboration with University of Buffalo and University of Mississippi, with funding from the National Science Founcation.
3. Embedded Software Transactional Memory. Exploration of an innovative transactional memory model for guaranteeing process synchronization in embedded operating systems. Collaboration with Intel Research.
4. Embedded IP Telephony. Creation of an inexpensive, open embedded VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone for research and teaching.
The Systems Lab will host three undergraduate REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) students in summer 2010, funded by the MU's College of Arts and Sciences. They will be working on ports of the Embedded Xinu operating system to new embedded platforms, embedded network emulation, and multicore embedded systems.
See the MSCS Research Labs page for more research laboratories in our department.