WinXINU Installation
Please check the WinXINU Installation Wiki Page for installation instructions.
About WinXINU
As part of a senior design project working in coordination with Dr. Dennis Brylow a frontend interface was successfully created for use under the a Windows operating system. Project members include Adam Koehler, Nicholas McMillan, and Christopher Swiderski, Matt Thomson. The software created incorporates the basic functionality of the UNIX variant toolset allowing computers with a Windows operating system installed to directly participate in the development and testing of the Embedded XINU operating system. Version 1.0 of WinXINU was released on May 1, 2008.
System Requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP or Windows Vista
- Ability to connect to XINU server
- Microsoft .Net Framework v3.0 or higher
- HDD Space: 250mb (with Cygwin Installation)
WinXINU Development
Initial Development
- Development Goal:
- The goal of the project is to design a graphically oriented front end interface that is Windows compatible to allow computers with a Windows operating system installed to directly participate in the remote testing of Embedded XINU operating system kernels.
- Development Team:
- Adam Koehler
- Nicholas McMillan
- Christopher Swiderski
- Matthew Thomson
Continued Development
The continued development of WinXINU will bring the more advanced entities of the XINU Console toolset. Along with the addition of more advanced features any fixes to bugs will be processed within the Windows toolset subversion repository.
WinXINU Feedback
Please leave your feedback for WinXINU on the WinXINU Feedback Wiki Page.