Xinu Compatability Layer

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Here is the full C source code for the Xinu Compatability Layer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <device.h>
#include <tty.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <monitor.h>

syscall _readint(void)
    int i = 0, c = 0;


    c = getchar();
    while (('\n' != c) && ('\r' != c) && (EOF != c))
        if (('0' <= c) && ('9' >= c))
            i = i * 10 + c - '0';

        c = getchar();
    if (EOF == c)
        return c;

    return i;

syscall _printint(int i)
    return kprintf("%d\r\n", i);

syscall _print(char *s)
    return kprintf("%s", s);

syscall _println(void)
    return kprintf("\r\n");

syscall _yield(void)
    return yield();

syscall _sleep(int time)
    return sleep(time);

int * _new(int n, int init)
    int size = (n + 2) * 4;
    int *p = (int *)memget(size);
    bzero(p, size);
    p[0] = moncreate(1);
    p[1] = init;
    return p + 2;

syscall _lock(int * objAdder)
    int * A = objAdder - 2;
    monitor m = (monitor) *A;
    return lock(m);

syscall _unlock(int * objAdder)
    int * A = objAdder - 2;
    monitor m = (monitor) *A;
    return unlock(m);

syscall _threadCreate(int * threadObjAdder)
    int * A = threadObjAdder - 1;
    int * B = (int*) *A;
    int * C = (int*) *B;
    void * procadder = (void *) C;
    return ready(create(procadder, INITSTK, INITPRIO, "MiniJavaThread", 1, threadObjAdder), RESCHED_NO);

void _BADPTR(void)
    fprintf(CONSOLE, "FATAL ERROR: Null Pointer Exception!\n");

void _BADSUB(void)
        fprintf(CONSOLE, "FATAL ERROR: Index Out Of Bounds Exception!\n");